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November 2020

An adaptation of King Stork, by Howard Pyle

A Warrior’s Tale, Adapted from Howard Pyle’s “King Stork”

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Pyle’s book was literally the first book I ever signed out of the library, when I was in grade one. The memory of it has stayed with me since, and inspired my writing career. Thus, this, my homage to this timeless writer, and to Trina Schart-Hyman, for her striking illustrations.

Creative Adrenaline for Writers: Revising for Style and Economy

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Two things: always remember that less is more, even in descriptive prose. Do you write as you think? Do you write as you speak, with your own unique vernacular? Are you striving to paint the perfect descriptive word-picture, to allow your reader to form a tactile, moving imagery in their minds-eye and see what you are seeing when you envision your story? Put them there with you, so they see through your eyes.

Creativity is a doorway through which we allow ourselves to engage with the world on our terms.

The Kingdom of Young Minds – A Doorway to Other Worlds

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This forest was the kingdom of young minds, a mecca of make-believe, the like of which, the mere act of entering the trail mouth was a portal to boundless worlds of youthful imagination. Adventures were mitigated only by our limited experience, owing to our short time on this earth.

Par Lagerkvist and The Hero’s Death

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it seems Democracy and the notion of what ideals collective culture holds to be true, are eroding by a seeming inability to stop ourselves stumbling into emotional chaos, like moths careening headlong and into the flame.