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good writing style

Creativity is a doorway through which we allow ourselves to engage with the world on our terms.

The Kingdom of Young Minds – A Doorway to Other Worlds

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This forest was the kingdom of young minds, a mecca of make-believe, the like of which, the mere act of entering the trail mouth was a portal to boundless worlds of youthful imagination. Adventures were mitigated only by our limited experience, owing to our short time on this earth.

Six Tips: Revising for Style and Economy

Hemingway once wrote, in A Moveable Feast, that all he expected of himself on any given day, was one true and perfect sentence. This is, in my opinion, one of his finest books, and one of the finest examples of descriptive language there is in modern auto-biographical writing. The man made a habit of crafting amazing prose; deep, rich textures and visceral experience with very few words.