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Rock art =m standing stones, and stacked stone art in the forest at French Creek, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island

The Effect of Emotions on Mind and Mouth

To take it a step further, I ask questions of myself like, Where did that emotional response come from? Is it a habitual response? or is it based on reasonable logic? What beliefs do I have about the situation that give rise to these emotions and where are they rooted? Is there a better way?

Who Decides War? A Case for Truth, Integrity and Compassion

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Who decides war? Wars are never about the opinion and beliefs of the many, but of the very few. It is up to us as individuals, not of a nation, but of a race to represent ourselves clearly where it comes to issues as grand and as deadly as military action against another country.

With Eyes Upon Skies in Far Better Places

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I have seen my own life through the eyes of another; I saw myself flailing and running for cover. I chose my own themes, what hats that I wore, what steps that were taken, upon roads that I bore. But I saw to believe what I chose to alight, that the eye is attuned to the language of light.


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I was an infant of six months when she died. There are no accessible memories to speak of, only a faint and foggy familiarity when I think of her: I was seventeen when I found her journals, written during the last years of her life.

Soul is not Filters, Blinders and Dark Sunglasses

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. These, one of our hosts explains, are souls from Earth who become trapped in the illusions, delusions and obsessions they have become transfixed upon in life: addiction, objects and subjects that, when we attach greed to them, become all-consuming in their demands upon our awareness, our consciousness and, eventually, our spirit. When these unchecked eventualities infuse our consciousness and sense of self, we lose sight of what was once a pure and unaffected nature and state of mind.