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EGO is the Curtain that is Drawn Back: Enlightenment is what is Revealed

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An excerpt from A Cure for Oblivion – A Solid Bit of Advice for What Comes Next

On the subject of Ego vs. Enlightenment, some of what I write here may be tough to swallow for some. Ultimately it is this uncomfortable bumping up against something that lets us know where our critical or cognitive biases live. Questioning these stimulates and promotes growth and expanding awareness.

So, here it goes: Light is the very essence of all physical form. All else is obfuscation and contrivance. The sum of our chosen story is ego manifesting itself in the physical world. Individual life, what we choose to manifest, is entirely ego driven, and is propelled wholly by emotion and a constant inherent need to seek validation. And though it seems, and in some ways is, “real” in such a way that makes it difficult to see beyond it, Enlightenment is truly the transcendence of ego attachment to the emotions and things and wrong-headed ideas we load upon ourselves and must then carry around for the rest of our journey. Carrying this burdensome load faithfully through life requires that we are in a constant state of needing recognition and validation from our surroundings and others in our orbit.

The body as manifestation of light in physical form. The Chakra system is an interpretation of the light/body connection, and is deeply rooted in many Eastern religions and philosophies.

Enlightenment is truly the transcendence of ego attachment to the emotions and things and wrong-headed ideas we load upon ourselves and must then carry around for the rest of our journey.

An excerpt from, A Cure for Oblivion, by Dean Unger

Life in physical form is school, where we gather (and ideally discern) experience, whether favourable or unfavourable. In alchemy the purpose, generally, is to draw pure gold from impure elements of the earth. Gold is element in its purest form. Crystal is light in its physical form – presents in a state of utter and peerless perfection; stands as a reminder of our original pure state: spirit, or soul, is the essence of life on the conduit between physical existence and something far greater.

The Buddhist parable relates that the origin of soul and the experience of spirit itself is, and always remains, pure, despite what we do to it. Imagine staring at your reflection in a mirror and that, over time, the surface of the mirror becomes smudged, stained and dirty. You can no longer properly see what’s there. If nothing is done to clean the reflective surface, the essence of what is, will always remain obscured. As such, the experiences we accumulate in life often leave a residue when not processed or interpreted in a fulsome manner. The process of enlightenment is the act of clearing away that which obscures the true reflection, which itself remains, and always will remain unfettered and unchanged beneath. In other words, the essence of your spirit will always remain in a state of perfection. Rather, it is the attachment to ego and the accumulation of experience and incorrect view – or wrong-headed interpretation – that keeps us from seeing and experiencing clearly that, indeed, something far greater exists outside of the physical conundrum.

According to a well-known Buddhist parable, beneath the residue left behind by life experience, our primal state remains pure, according to our true essence.

It is often no small frustration that this something-far-greater is, to us, incomprehensible: we do not get to know until we know. That is the nature of existing and perceiving in a state of flow, where the realizations arise as if they were lotus blossoms opening suddenly on the still surface of a gentle pond. Learning to live and perceive in a state of flow – to calibrate ones soul vibration to reverberate or course to the rhythm of the essence of life, rather than to the physical distractions that exist in life itself, is key to finding true and lasting peace of mind. It is a challenge, shifting from a state of ego vs. enlightenment to just enlightenment. All is energy and we are here to learn to dance. To do this, one must first get a handle on emotions and attachment; to do this, it is necessary to understand a fulsome sense of self.

Meditation is key to understanding and managing the flow of emotion, and to develop – firstly a state of relative calm, then, eventually, a lasting and incontrovertible connection to source.