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With Eyes Upon Skies in Far Better Places

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Inspirational Words of Wisdom to Inspire Your Path

I have seen my own life through the eyes of another; I saw myself flailing and running for cover. I chose my own themes, what hats that I wore, what steps that were taken, upon roads that I bore. But I saw to believe what I chose to alight, that the eye is attuned to the language of light.

Unconscious despair – the haunts of former lives, a ghost that lays hidden beneath eons of time. I am slave, I am prisoner – of my opinion, of myself – an insatiable currency that’s got nothing on wealth. The road rolls ahead in quiet desperation, as I search my lost soul for a far and safe nation.

There are only seven colours a human can see, the net often cast empty on blind hopes and dreams. This hope is cast out and drawn back again, but often falls short of life to sustain. Though I walk this bold earth with seeming wit and cunning, in the end only to find that truth is simple and becoming.

Rising here from a deep cave in the dark, is a calm, silent place with a single bright spark. There, a key hangs on a thick golden spike, that was once driven in with a great, smashing might. It was set here ago by a great ancient sage, to remind us the nature of the wars that we wage.

I fell upon it at first with haughty defiance, but to see, beyond doubt, with sturdy reliance. Indeed, how could it be that fine, and so simple? A life lived like this would cast nary a ripple. An empty, open mind and eyes wide to see, all there is to possess and what truths there, perceive.

What am I growing toward? What laws guide my way? What is the measure of a life thrown away? My Ego remains, it’s tendrils sunk in, like the nail in the wall – its force spread within. Like a fish I’ll be caught, by things I can’t see, by the grace of the divine, may my soul be set free.

Indeed, again, the mind refuses to submit, my endless, ceaseless thoughts, which I hope now to quit. Walls made of memories, trapped by design, I am what I think, my emotions define. I must choose now what theme to play out, what to live for and champion, how to live without doubt.

I endeavor to release now, to embrace the sublime, all Life is light, alas, trapped in time. The lantern held high, and the path is well lit, I’ve decided on the question of guilt, to acquit. I release my rich line to time and the tide, and at last grasp the key to unlock the true state of mind.

There is joy, nonetheless, and beauty and love, but in the end, all is nothing – below is above. And with eyes upon skies in far better places, I search for the courage to go through my paces. Love, it seems, has gravity too, and with the aid of the Heart, the rudder stays true.

-Dean Unger –